Nothing Left To Hide

by Satish Verma   Mar 3, 2018

Your skin was involved?
in recent string of shadows, throwing
the white shrouds on unknown
faces. The visibility
becomes a threat, plying like a black river
via stone links.

Your muscles twitch and
convulse. An invisible hand
writes the judgement. A silent
November looms large.
I will wait for the snow to
fall silently on the sun-dial.

Like silent shedding of petals
counting the dew drops on grass.
A tree of bones walks
from death to death. Me standing
on crossroads, on the moon’s path
trying to learn the mistakes.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    This is a nature poem at its best! I like the combination of
    nature, the seasons and the human emotions all meld together
    bringing out a write of vivid imagery and talent. There is a weight
    of sadness behind each line and it takes the reader along with the
    writer on a journey. A captivating write.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Oh wow this is fascinating

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