Thinking Deeply About Something

by Satish Verma   Feb 15, 2019

The trail in mind, you had
a problem, before the coming of Him.

A quest, a a question, became
landmarks of the journey
in jungle of humanity.

The compatibility lost, you
have stopped looking at the
things with inward eye.

Is it necessary to give a title to every anguish?

The crisis throws up some detritus
of past, from where you had
taken up the wrong road.

The fixing magnifies your
scars. Do not go deep
in the veins.

I am your face.
I am your name.


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  • 6 years ago

    by ddavidd

    I think your mind is the most malleable I have seen, at least in this site; for example this:
    "The fixing magnifies your
    scars. Do not go deep
    in the veins. "
    Wow only wow