Winners of Poetry Contest

Popular Poems

  • If The Key Fits (1) 4

    by Walter

    While walking home one day, I came across a key
    I could tell straight away, it didn't belong to me...

  • Absence (3) 6

    by Monik Smith

    I like to be left alone
    But when people don't notice I'm...

  • A distant soul connected with another distant soul (1) 1

    by A piece of my broken heart is embedded in you forever

    A distant soul connected with another distant soul
    So far apart yet the sadness and pain connected...

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Popular Quotes

  • Within each tear there's a lesson.

  • Children soak up the world. Do them a favour, show them the sea of goodness, the waterfalls of love, and the perils that lay in the rivers dark.

  • Love is like respect, it starts from within.