Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • Enchanted

    by TotaMariee

    Standing at the door
    Tall, ancient,forgotten...

  • Euphoric Rain 1

    by Indian Comma Bean

    Ecstasy rain drops
    From candy coated clouds...

  • Wolf-girl
    She runs so swift and silent...

  • Dark Angel (2)

    by SilentSuicide

    Sitting in her corner, blood shot eyes.
    Watching darkness surpass the light...

  • Blood or Passion

    by Israfel

    Is it for the blood or the passion
    For the need or the lust that's within...

  • Seven seas

    by Kaye Prosser

    Treasure buried beneath the sea
    a lost city we call to thee...

  • Tormented Joke

    by Chino

    Tormented in a cell with fifty chambers
    Aimed by knifes and daggers...

  • Untitled

    by NiRo

    The pain
    the tears...

  • Bandersnatch (2)

    by Armada the Gestalt

    One day upon a spritely morn,
    A young lad sat looking forlorn...

  • Let death eat there soul
    Let torment take away there pain...

  • Edward (from twilight) (4)

    by wenona raysan

    Will i find someone who loves like you do??
    i envy Bella coz she has you...

  • Vampires in the mist (6)

    by DaytimeStar

    A simple girl from the start
    she had friends...