It wouldn’t be
the kind of magic you shoot...
Flowers cover the grounds
From red to purple...
Hahut along with its four disclosed levels of
Big Bang (i.e. Lahut, Jabarut, Malakut, and Nasut...
Prior to all Big Bangs is the Divine Presence of...
It is the Absolute Essence of Allah/God prior to...
There are four different universal Big Bangs...
And each Big Bang has different levels of...
The Heavens are respectively the intrinsic...
All these are manifested/inflated from the Quantum...
Plucked by the wind of aspirations
and scattered in the shadows...
A quaint hillside park, repository of memories in...
The mysteries of old Ireland rising like mist from...
In shadows deep, where secrets coil,
A tale unfolds of ancient soil...
They say that darkness gives value to light
for without the dark one cannot muster the will to...
Dreams of misty Babylon, of moonlit deserts
Of tales of knights of the infinite sands...
A streak of blue
Sad but true...