Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • Hells Halloween ball

    by Ernest Johnson

    It's a night of easy recall
    When I was a guest...

  • My Dream (3) 2

    by Piper Lefebvre

    I walk to the other side of the vines blocking my...
    its amazing what i saw...

  • Elledain (2) 1

    by Skyler

    Of Elledain we sing with woe, for he has fallen...
    And gone to dwell where mortals go, for sadly he...

  • Felenduil the ferrier once sailed from home to...
    And would return the merrier with mortal treasures...

  • Smoke

  • Arrghhh - I scream in frustration,
    Nothing ever goes right for me...

  • Bow

    by druekee

    Lying in a plush bed of opulence,
    Lips dyed scarlet and curled with a knowing smirk...

  • Most nights when I look up at night
    I can't help but see the most beauty...

  • When demons dance in moonlight (2)

    by Dancing Rivers

    Imagine my love, how sweet it would be,
    if our demons danced in moonlights eyes...

  • Enchanted Forest (1) 1

    by Rob

    Dark souls roam freely on a predestine path,
    Shadows tell of the imperilment ahead...

  • Into the shades of black,
    she walked alone...

  • Perpetuus (2)

    by TheMask

    Looking around the war torn scene nothing but...
    My friends and foes dying left and right...