Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • Witch hunt. (2) 1

    by Postguied Parnell

    Prize fighter with words.
    Every verb I've been...

  • The following is art.
    The following is the hardest part...

  • Walking forward, moving dead ahead.
    Freezing, I pull my robs tighter around...

  • The Holy Blade (1)

    by Samuel Ernst

    The dawn of the new day unfolds,
    Beams of the Sun shine dutifully upon...

  • He crossed over into the depths of darkness,
    kissing the moon softly before murder took...

  • Gangling tree tops roof the wood
    Intertwining themselves from where we stood...

  • Warrior's Glide

    by Thomas

    A fiery glance, shot from afar,
    reaching to hit the warrior...

  • Deathwalkers (1)

    by Thomas

    "In honor and blood, forever we are bound.
    But never shall we ever be frowned...

  • Change of Heart (1)

    by Jack Nightengale

    Late into the night,
    Close to the earth, the full moon is bright...

  • A White Raven (1)

    by Eugenius

    You pass through the prism of the Time,
    Thine life is a segment of it...

  • Dark Angel

    by Jinseiwakurai

    She walks alone,
    With Darkness in her heart...

  • Dream of lies (1)

    by Jawwad Zafar

    I had a dream, a dream of lies
    A vision of hollow, the treacherous life...