Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • Hunter (1)

    by vampireblood

    I am a creature of the night.
    A world class hunter...

  • Words clawing up my throat,
    entering my mind...

  • The fire spell (2)

    by dudimagad

    The fire spells:
    For generations we rule, from the depth of the...

  • Artemis Anisa pt. 2 (4)

    by Blood of a Lion

    Hear again dear traveler,
    Hear again the tale of Artemis...

  • My Last Piece Of Heaven (1)

    by Sigoney Holder

    Spare me
    Spare me a few moments...

  • Dark Symphony (3)

    by TragicChaos

    Im sitting at this desk in another place and time...
    way back I can not find...

  • Artemis Anisa (4)

    by Blood of a Lion

    The Tale of Artemis...

  • Memento (1)

    by LostForWords

    Trapped in the depths of dispair
    with tear drops falling...

  • Wings of Angels (1)

    by Hussein

    Dancing on the wings of angels,
    disco lights singing on broken shells...

  • A Different Wonderland (1)

    by WritingtheStars


  • Free my Soul

    by Rozalina Reyes

    Even all alone in the dark,
    you will be found out and devoured...

  • Light vs. Dark (2)

    by WintersAngel

    Angels call me
    Lead me to the light...