Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • My angel (1) 1

    by neon sunset

    Winged soul, loving heart
    i am filled with sorrow when we part...

  • No Faire (4)

    by Jess


  • Unicorns (2)

    by Deziray micbrian

    The unicorns majestic beasts of free will with no...

  • Rebel demon soldier (3)

    by neon sunset

    Demon soldiers march across the midnight sky
    the heartless demon king watches as i cry...

  • She's out of my league

    by Eddie Hoyte

    She was an upper class girl
    I was among the freshmen...

  • Chained by my selves (1)

    by neon sunset

    Silent shadow dance.
    the light from the moon cast a shadow of you into...

  • He who bares wings

    by neon sunset

    Glowing wings
    his eyes like clear blue water springs...

  • Immortal love (2)

    by neon sunset

    Hold my hand in the dark
    we have a destiny to embark...

  • Majestic heart of a giants rage
    black icy stares, drenched in volcanic tears...

  • Sinner (3)

    by Maria

    His bittersweet smile, his shiny eyes
    his hollow words, and fake promises...

  • Not Your Average Fairy (1)

    by Savannah

    There once was a fairy named Grace
    She always had a frown upon her face...

  • She is mine (1)

    by Chima

    Her cheek rosy
    painted golden with fame...