Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • Dark Lover part 8 (2)

    by Midnight Vanity

    Kiley turned to Damien
    "There's something about that little girl, I...

  • And as I opened my eyes I saw what seemed like a...
    Something that couldn't have been reality...

  • D'Lrowym

    by Robert Healy

    The time draws near
    As doth the darkening clouds...

  • Flummoxed

    by Owner of an Untamed Heart

    You sit in the corner
    of your darkened room...

  • Unspoken (4)

    by Sweet sugar

    Unspoken words shudder the glass that's build...
    My reactions revolve to what's insanely haunting...

  • Symphony

    by Taylor

    A bittersweet symphony
    Lost in the ocean of a past life...

  • Little ghost (2)

    by Jennifer

    Little ghost on the wall,
    aren't you afraid to fall...

  • The After Life (1)

    by xxxagonyxxx

    Steal Air...

  • The tree's secrets (1)

    by neon sunset

    The trees whisper in my ears
    telling me secrets that no one else hears...

  • Lilith & Lucifer (3) 1

    by Renegade Angel

    Her "beauty, eternal" they say...

  • My savior, where are you
    Cant you see i need to be saved...

  • Time to Die (1)

    by andy

    All My love turned to dust
    in a blink of an eye...