Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • She

    by Dr sarat sonowal

    Morning sun
    The magic of the wind...

  • My hair once blonde
    Now black like my soul...

  • Impetus (2)

    by Kelin Hurt

    Find the thoughts of mine,
    Thinking over small cynical...

  • End of The World

    by Kelin Hurt

    It will be total war as
    The nightmare begins...

  • Dream Man (1)

    by xoxShorteexox

    As his tall body silhouetted against the pale blue...
    his eyes as dark as the night sky on the night of...

  • Yes, you held my mutilated heart. (3) 1

    by Poet on the Piano

    My yellow hair wakes you up,
    platinum waves cascading down...

  • Darkest Of Hunters

    by FloraFire4

    I've watched you people for my entire life,i fit...

  • My Guardian Angel. (part 2)

    by RiseRebelResist

    A Red Tulip Lays On The Ground
    And A Smile Creeps On My Face...

  • My Guardian Angel. (part 1)

    by RiseRebelResist

    You Watch Over Me With All Your Might
    You Sheild Me From Evil And Its Spite...

  • No Way Out.!

    by RiseRebelResist

    I Feel Like I'm Trapped Inside My Self,
    With No Way Out...

  • Hello Rainbows (2)

    by Jeremy S Farley

    The battlefield is now silent.
    Too cold for crow or raven...

  • Phantom Pain (4)

    by Renegade Angel

    Around, all around, the shadows gather.
    My dread grows as doom's scythe falls against my...