Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • The Tree Of Woe (1)

    by Karma

    Sway with the rhythm of the wind and whisper...
    The tree of woe hears all things and knows more...

  • Ariadne, Older (1)

    by sibyllene

    The tarnished, gaudily guarded
    childhood ended in the quickest...

  • Ariadne

    by sibyllene

    She shared a womb with the monster;
    this is something everyone has forgotten...

  • Nuerological Thoughts (9) 4

    by Jack Nightengale

    Barely breathing,
    heart not beating...

  • Masquerade Massacre (1)

    by nonexistent

    You and I, dressed in black and purple. We walk...
    "Darling! Darling, awaken at this...

  • Mistress of the Moon (9) 5 WIN

    by The Queen

    Mistress of the Moon
    and there she is...

  • Misery Through Uncertainty

    by RadianceInReverse

    Darkness Surrounds me,
    it pulls my shadow down...

  • Night Stalker (4) 2

    by Brittany C

    In the shadows you stood
    Watching; never touching...

  • Lullaby (1)

    by kiara

    Alluring notes enwrap the heart
    An enchanted melody of pure art...

  • An Immortal's Fate

    by Hayden Nation

    Light falls down onto my skin
    But I never feel the warmth it brings...

  • Silent Slumber (2)

    by Talie

    In a sweet and silent slumber
    Neath the waves you pulled us under...

  • Damsel (1)

    by Dr sarat sonowal

    The sun is shining
    Kiss of air...