Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • You see him there, there he stands.
    Eyes like spiders wondering strands...

  • Vampire King (1)

    by The Shadowlust Inside Me

    - sun sets -
    The night is my Relm for I am the Vampire King...

  • Let me take you to another place.
    Hold my hand. Its safe that way. Don't worry they...

  • As i set here... (3)

    by Please hold me tight so I know you will never leave

    As i set here
    I read a book of a love that is forbedden...

  • Elven Blood (2)

    by qawsee

    As war drums crash in distant woods,
    a rumble shakes the earth...

  • The Lady and the Dragon

    by RavishingEruption

    Come around here
    And I'll tell ye a tale...

  • Staring out into the distance,
    No sound but the wind and my heart...

  • Three years on and I remember
    The night that changed my world...

  • To find your light (1)

    by Please hold me tight so I know you will never leave

    To find your light
    You need a key...

  • Demented Fairy Tales (Acrostic) (10)

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Dishonest with every breath you take,
    Ever lying in the morning, in bed, awake...

  • His Golden Eyes. (1)

    by Mask of Pain

    His golden eyes make me feel warm and safe. His...

  • Fairy Tale (1)

    by Wondering Soul

    When I was a little girl,
    I dreamed of the perfect fairy tale...