Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • A Vampire's Memoir (5)

    by KeyxMashingxParody

    As I stalked the night,
    And kissed the sun goodbye...

  • Tempting... An Angel? (4)

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Can you tempt an angel
    Make her turn your way...

  • Twilight (1)

    by Bella

    The shy grows eerie
    The sun begins to set...

  • Waft of mist envelops me,
    and heavy clouds...

  • Angel's feathers (3)

    by firexdancer

    The bodies fall to the ground
    as each gun screams...

  • Satan's Soldier (4) 1

    by Bradley Peter

    In the day I sleep, in the night I dine
    Feeding from those whom often decline...

  • The Shadows Whisper (1)

    by ShadowSilence

    ~Fistly, i may be kinda confusing. I had to write...
    The Shadows Whisper...

  • Smoke and folly (1) 2

    by Alanis

    Poisonous pillows of smoke
    Delicate dreams of folly...

  • Faery Whispers Told Me (3)

    by +Purple Sky+

    Trodding aimlessly along a broken stone path,
    On the cold lonely moor in my sanctuary...

  • Fallen Angel (14) 2

    by debbylyn

    The Angel and Mystic
    With poems and notes...

  • My Boatmaster (3)

    by Bored One

    Ferocious power,
    Unstoppable force...

  • Vampire Kiss (7)

    by Love vs Fate

    You are a mystery to me.
    I saw you watching me...