3 years on and I remember.
The night that changed my life...
'Sun's demise is sumptuous,' you whisper in the...
Pensive and warm, seeking me with your Light...
The rain drops splattering while it rains
Each one drumming on the window panes...
Catastrophe has broke
On the horizon...
Lethe is one of the rivers that separate Hades...
Acheron - the river of woe...
The night sky so brilliant and bright
Dragons everywhere in my sight...
My father was slaughtered by a chastened cruel...
Wounded weary mother succumbing to her final...
The greatest of an ancient and glorious race am I,
Cast down into shadow in days of wars long gone...
My pain has become a numbing sensation inside
I'm dead to the world, he will no longer hide...
She’s evil like war,
Deadly as a plague...
I wrote this because i always felt like i was that...
She sat there crying silver tears...
The elfin faeries dance in the meadow,
Their silken feet, their delicate legs moving on...