Fantasy and Mystical Poems

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  • An Angel Born (5)

    by shadow

    The sky rips open as rain falls from its hole
    The thunder growls and rumbles your very soul...

  • Entice (5) 4

    by CJ Maleney

    Tell me your name that we may converse on more...
    Tell me of your dreams and desires, tell me of the...

  • within the s l o w
    sleepless, cog of night...

  • The Soldiers Stand (5)

    by Timothy

    The field is large,
    An open valley where 20,000 men fought...

  • I'll carve my name on a gravestone,
    I wanted to see how it'd look...

  • WolfBlood (2)

    by Killikana

    I feel it inside me
    And I can no longer hide...

  • Fallen Angel (2)

    by purplemadness

    Broken wings and a broken heart,
    That's what left now we are apart...

  • A Mirrors Reflection (2)

    by TotaMariee

    A mirrors reflection
    can i trust it...

  • We belong (2)

    by TwistedDancingCorpse

    I wake up screaming through tears
    wondering about nightmares through my years...

  • A Clown Cries (2)

    by samantha

    Have you ever seen a clown cry?
    Or heard a tigers lullaby...

  • Alices Wonderland (2)

    by theresadreamer

    Welcome to the Wonderland
    Welcome to the pits of Hell...

  • Murder the angel tonight (2)

    by Shellaine shelli

    Once a beautiful angel
    now fallen from grace...