Other Dark Poems

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  • A Bullet Laced in Hate
    I saw your name engraved in lead...

  • Dark Blue (27)

    by dollwithafrown

    Your soul's a burning shade of dark blue
    The darkness inside it echoes consistently...

  • Daughter of a freak (27)

    by The Angel of Secrets

    Her hair so awful, her skin so pale,
    She always wondered, where did she fail...

  • Fictitious Character. (26) 5 WIN

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Invalid statements spew
    from thorny lips...

  • Princess (25)

    by Sumit Ojha

    You are a princess
    Smart, Sweet, and Stylish...

  • Can you please tell me why?
    Why do you try...

  • ..........................Blood

  • Fog Mistress (25) WIN

    by Twisted Heart

    She moves across the watery edge
    Over moors and through the trees...

  • I'm No Angel (24)

    by Jenni Marie

    Painting on a beautiful smile, pretending to care
    Acting innocent, in reality I'm harsh mean and...

  • Let Death Take You. (24)

    by Simple Sensation

    Grasp the knife
    Slice the vein...

  • I play a game on my arm.
    The Romantic Razor Blade is such a charm...

  • Victory unintentional (24)

    by TrUtH hUrTs

    They prostituted their body and mind
    Never knowing what they left behind...