Other Dark Poems

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  • Enclosed Within Darkness. (9) 1

    by Courageous Dreamer

    *Important Note:
    `I have no clue where this came from...

  • Passionate Discomfort (9)

    by Faithless Watermelon

    The eyes are all upon my soul...

  • The Girl Next Door (11)

    by Heidi Harover

    There was a boy who liked a girl.
    She lived beside him, right next door...

  • Voices in the Dark (10) 1

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Voices in the Dark
    Why did you leave me here...

  • The Grim Reaper (9)

    by broken reflection

    Laying there the man in black comes 'round,
    Many souls fierce and tired he has found...

  • Anger (1) 1

    by fenix flight

    All this anger
    is clawing at my stomach...

  • Ye Olde Rap (12) 7 HM

    by Maher

    Blessed be the dew
    on this cold graveyard ground...

  • Fire-Stunned (11) 11

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Cajoling you with all my might
    to wake amidst the firelight...

  • A House Darker than me (5) 1

    by Sunshine

    My heart is pumping sharp thorns killing my heart...
    As sharp as snow feels while standing on;with bare...

  • Precipice (5) 1

    by Sylvia

    Tentacles of fear wrapped around a soul,
    dragged closer to the precipice of nothingness...

  • Write Your Heart Out (6)

    by Still Slightly Broken

    Take a paper, Take a pen,
    Take a story, Take a voice...

  • Promises are burning
    in the empty, hollow street...