The trees whispered with the winds
As death exhumed the earth...
Her momma never took the time
to hug her with all her might...
A Strange new fusion...
*trying something new...dark feelings on my...
dark, cold and alone...
When Hurricanes and Sand Storms Invade the Skies
and over masses of corpses linger hordes of Flies...
Like the lethal dusty cobra, darling, shed your...
Find shelter in its absence; let your mortal heart...
Ten year old boy
burying his father forever...
First attempt at a Senryu. My apologies if it's...
Sky fades into tomorrow
Everlasting, impressing sorrow...
Help,help,help me!!
I'm stuck in the shadows...
I know the pain you are feeling
And I know what is the cause...
I can hear them screaming
just gnawing at my existence...