Poems About Unexplained

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  • Fright Night (5)

    by Innocent Fairy

    Late at night,
    home alone sitting in the dark...

  • Love My Depression. (5)

    by ShIsAnA tHe OnE aNd OnLy

    Love my Depression.
    Trigger my inner Emotions...

  • The air is cold, and bites at my face.
    Each step is a fight, and a goal...

  • A struggle beyond the mirror (5)

    by In Darkness I Dwell

    At the mirror I stared
    Ignoring why I was that scared...

  • Emptiness (5)

    by Angel Tears

    Hearts falter
    Time stands still...

  • I can't look into someones eyes
    Without seeing how they really feel...

  • Never enough (5)

    by Angel Demetrice

    If I said I love you it wouldn't be enough,
    if I bought you a thousand roses it would be too...

  • Cursed Eyes (5) 2

    by The Angel of Secrets

    Born into a world no one dares to see,
    Asking gently: why does no one think like me...

  • Vampiric Dream (5)

    by enigmatic_prey

    Lurking in the shadows
    In the settling dusk...

  • Jack and Jill of Need (5)

    by Fiend in the Iron Maiden

    Jack and jill ran up a hill
    To Fitch some gold and sliver...

  • The Sound Collector (5)

    by Invited

    A stranger walked among our street
    With no sound below his feet...

  • Puddle of Black Tears (5) 1

    by Lost and Delirious

    As I sit in my dark little corner,
    crying my eyes out...