Don't look at me, for I am cursed,
Don't look too hard, you'll see the dirt...
A hint of cheap cologne wafted
along my bony spine...
Darkness was here before all else
The deep, the void, that abyss...
One evening as I was walking. The voices in my...
I said not a word
but I wanted them dead...
In an empty desk with a burning mesh,
wax drips like thorns...
It appears
people don't enjoy the beating of my heart...
My dreams have turned to waking nightmares,
haunted in peaceful slumbers like child scared of...
I eat ships and planes
I'm beyond humans' knowledge...
She's so full of mistakes. So full of regret...
She's full of sin. Knees are bloody from begging...
Pinch Me
Wake me up...
I have become my own devil
Not seeing is believing and can't...