Poems About Unexplained

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  • Extreem Sadness (3)

    by Mister 47

    Devastated heart, broken dignity, dead faces
    Fallen roses, shattered petals, deserted places...

  • Troop's letter (3)

    by Frank the Great

    Troop's letter
    I have this rage deep inside my soul...

  • Heart beats on (13) 8 HM

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Mountains rose high in a sky turning
    purple with splashes of lilac and gold...

  • The Dream (2) 2

    by Johnathon

    Many sleepless nights ago
    I dreamt of a cabin covered in snow...

  • Untitled...unexplained (1) 1

    by SHORTY25

    Death is here
    No need to fear...

  • Train (3)

    by Lady Nik

    She always heard the train pass
    at a quarter to twelve on Sunday nights...

  • Little Girl (1)

    by Yeka

    Who is this little girl?
    Why is she crying near the ocean...

  • My painting (3)

    by scarredlibran

    I take my empty canvas
    And I wash my ready brush...

  • Suisidal love letter (4)

    by MartyrAmanda

    I wish i was invisible
    then no-one could ever see me...

  • A burden of death has written my fortune
    Tyranny overcame blessings...

  • Moon Child (3)

    by oddi tea

    Off she flew
    one starry night...

  • Surprise Surprise (4)

    by Countess of Monte Cristo

    Screams, and threats and slaps and spits.
    That's what i got above your hits...