How do I begin writing this when everyone else has...
Thousands of similar rhymes to explain how many...
If i could go back and rewind it,
I would do it so fast...
You talked behind my back,
Thinking I’ll never know...
I'm sick of people pretending to be my friend,
and say they will keep my secrets till the end...
Betrayal and hate
Heart as cold as ice...
I try my best not to cry as I think of things as...
Through the good times and the hard ones, no...
The world is mad and cruel and cold,
where souls are sucked dry, and hearts are sold...
This knife is back to stab again,
Each new wound is by a friend...
We were supposed to be best friends
At least that’s what I thought...
Best friends forever they said they'd always be,
but it wouldn't work out i can guarantee...
I may be lonely because my boyfriend died But your...
I'm only sad because i miss him not because were...
I tell you I am not lieing
when I say I didn't do what you thought...