Poems About Broken Friendship

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  • Her Heart Is Broken

    by Jewel Cook

    Her heart is broken.
    She can feel nothing at all...

  • I Care

    by Jewel Cook

    You said you weren't like the rest,
    that you wouldn't leave...

  • I'll never give up

    by Saraphene

    Forever I've crushed our friendship under words of...
    Though you know that I did not mean what I said...

  • Turn The Page. (2)

    by Steven Beesley

    Turn the page quickly,
    can you rub out the past...

  • The End

    by Jewel Cook

    You don't care, do you?
    I really just want to know...

  • Done

    by Jewel Cook

    How did we get here again.
    We're back where we started...

  • Good-Bye My Friends

    by Hailey Popham

    You were my friend,
    you were the one to help me the most...

  • Repair

    by Shades of Gray

    How long you've been gone,
    it finally hit me...

  • Hurtful friends (6)

    by Alanis

    What's the point of a friend who never
    Seems to care? Or when you need her...

  • The mark on my face
    From your boot and lace...

  • Dear Noah... (3)

    by Shades of Gray

    I enter the crowded room.
    Your smile is still the brightest...

  • Waste of time (9)

    by acquisto alicia

    Friends are a waste of time.
    All they ever do is committ crimes...