Poems About Broken Friendship

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  • When a feather falls, you get lighter.
    But when you lose a friend, your heart gets heaver...

  • Well we used to be friends
    Now I hate you...

  • You hurt me

    by Tatiana

    What happened to the promise...

  • I Wish You Werent (1)

    by ♥ xOx ♥

    Dear So Called Friend
    I wish you weren't the way you are...

  • My Past (6)

    by JLT

    Memories spinning,
    Tears begin to fall...

  • Your not my friend

    by Tamila Bob

    The only friend
    I\'ll ever have...

  • Mac And Katie (1)

    by I.Dont.Own.Emotion.I.RENT.

    You two were the best of friends
    My best friends to be exact...

  • What rumors did (2)

    by Nanita

    This is not really a poem
    i just had to write something to get it off my...

  • What must i do

    by Carrie

    I thought that no matter what happened
    we would always be friends...

  • Untitled...

    by Carrie

    I could talk to you about anything
    And I did, I told you everything...

  • My Friend (5)

    by Sourav

    You are such a good girl...
    What happened to you...

  • Just Stop!!

    by Emmah

    Stop talking about us behind our back,
    stop being a b**** and cut us some slack...