Maybe I should hate you for this, raise my voice...
call you names and hurt you tell you to go to...
I thought we had the most perfect friendship
i thought we'd be together forever...
Shes mad
And you take her side...
Behind your back we whisper, spreading tales...
I wonder if you already know, or when...
You don't talk to me anymore,
i might as well be something on the floor...
I guess i never realized this
before today i cried...
How can you stab your friend in the back twice
and still think that you can be my friend...
You think you know a person
So you call them your best friend...
I thought you were my friend
I was so happy...
I'm going to make you hate me
so when you leave It doesn't hurt...
Why do you have to do this to me?
Can't you see what you've done...
What are true friends?
Are friends people who talk behind you r back?And...