Poems About Broken Friendship

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  • Familiar Strangers (1) 3

    by Lost Shadow

    Our bodies sit right next to each other
    While our minds are worlds apart...

  • Friendship can be everlasting
    Yet with time it can also be forgotten...

  • Title help please! (5) 2

    by MoonMaiden

    Looking through a mirror
    Etched into my mind...

  • A thorn to my throat (1) 1

    by Anne Moore

    Standing here in this room
    Of a thousand people...

  • Shitty Poetry (6) 5

    by Kate

    It feels like ages since we’ve talked
    But I can still see your smile in my head...

  • Fake! (2) 2

    by Lainie Reay

    I've always been an honest person with no matter...
    It seems it's not always the best or the right...

  • Congratulations

    by Ismelda Yvanna Peralta

    I hear and seen that you are engaged to get...

  • Thing unsaid (7) 8

    by Night

    Maybe we're too young to remember
    when our friendship started...

  • Let he, whom in my kingdom, read here wise:
    Your eyeslids best be closed when near my love...

  • You'll Miss Me

    by MoonMaiden

    You'll miss me
    When no one else seems to care...

  • Never Changed (5) 3 HM

    by Once an Angel

    Two years
    seven months...

  • Starlight star bright I saw a shooting star...
    A shooting star so bright so amazing...