You are my hope
you are my inspiration...
A friendship must be in deep and widE
understanding truths should never be removeD...
Darkness consumes me
As I continue to fall...
We sprinkle blessings to all your beloved poems
Let our blessings encourage your writing, bringing...
Our favorite authors are golden bells
just like the hours of happiness...
It must be said,
my words speak true...
To A Special Friend
Everyday he logs onto his MSN...
How would you say goodbye
to someone that you never knew...
You, aS a frienD oF mine..
i wilL pusH wheN yoU arE stoppeD...
The poem written was made by my dearest friend...
Thanks for making one for me...
So many people can write
We can call so many persons a poet...
*to my angels..u should all know who you are:P*
My angels I like to call them...