Poems About Cyber Friendship

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  • So near yet so far (52)

    by Baby Rainbow

    You are my hope
    you are my inspiration...

  • FriendshiP (50)

    by Shirani Graham

    A friendship must be in deep and widE
    understanding truths should never be removeD...

  • Cutting ties (42) 13 WIN

    by deeplydesturbed

    Darkness consumes me
    As I continue to fall...

  • Blessings (38)

    by Shirani Graham

    We sprinkle blessings to all your beloved poems
    Let our blessings encourage your writing, bringing...

  • Our Favorite Authors (35)

    by Shirani Graham

    Our favorite authors are golden bells
    just like the hours of happiness...

  • PnQ world (22) 7

    by Michael

    It must be said,
    my words speak true...

  • To A Special Friend
    Everyday he logs onto his MSN...

  • How do i say goodbye (20)

    by keithnwv

    How would you say goodbye
    to someone that you never knew...

  • BenefitS (19)

    by Shirani Graham

    You, aS a frienD oF mine..
    i wilL pusH wheN yoU arE stoppeD...

  • The poem written was made by my dearest friend...
    Thanks for making one for me...

  • The Quality of a Poet (18)

    by Goran Rahim

    So many people can write
    We can call so many persons a poet...

  • *to my angels..u should all know who you are:P*
    My angels I like to call them...