I sit down at the computer
And log onto msn...
Happy places
you are sure to find...
I've known you for more than a year now
We've been best friends through it all...
*This is not a real story but I had the image of...
On a rainy, cold, winter day...
There is this person I look up too,
He's honest, kind,and his heart is true...
Finding you is a treasure
because you give, so much pleasure...
Angels aren't just up in heaven,
they're here on earth 24/7...
Dear friend
We have never met but I feel I really know you...
My great friend
lives in Ipswich...
Show me who you are inside
I promise I won’t turn away...
He's on of a kind,
Not something everyone...
Every time i sat and cried
she was there to dry my tears...