If I were to feverishly bite my lip
in sequence of each syllable you...
A brittle daisy
pressed between faded pages...
I always was a daddy's girl
Even form the moment I entered the world...
Since I was little,
So tiny so small...
You were born on a hot day in July
The love I felt for you I can not deny...
Mother's hands calmed my fears.
Helped me through the early years...
You make me laugh
When I am down...
What is family?
More than lovely...
You dont even know how much I love you,
Its more immense than anyone could ever know...
.Fear grips my heart. Terror claws at my stomach...
As i lost you it was so hard to believe you were...
These men in my life put me through hell,
They got me in a trance, in a horrible spell...
Your life is dull,
your mind is dead...