Poems About Saying "Goodbye" to a Friend

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  • Goodbye... (1)

    by RB

    I remember the day I first met you,
    It was your smile that blew me away...

  • L.b.f. (3)

    by kate

    You told me we were going to be best friends.
    right when we graduate and be there to the end...

  • Final story... (4)

    by Ash

    If things were meant to be this way,
    why now when things just began to fade away...

  • My gift to You (1)

    by Rose

    Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!
    Yes, you! The only other one to have found...

  • I going to let go
    This is the time...

  • Goodbye (8)

    by HomoMegan

    I left with out saying goodbye
    when i called you, i thought i heard you cry...

  • To End Here (3)

    by CHEMICALcaitlin

    When I Say Look
    To The Future...

  • In these tears i drown (5)

    by Michelle

    Well daddy its been a while and i miss you...
    more than i can imagine, more than my emotions say...

  • You're out of reach (5)

    by Cienray Raycien

    You call me friend, i call you my best friend
    you laughed with me and i cry with you...

  • The day that I heard
    You were going away...

  • I look upon my house, in flames,
    holding in already descending tears...

  • Georgina (3)

    by James Williams

    There is no pain
    there is no sorrow...