Other Poems About Friendship

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  • You weren't there (4)

    by rocker666chick

    You were acting like you were there that day,
    you acted like you care...

  • Heart Of Gold (22) 1

    by Cindy

    You are a friend who is very kind
    You share your faith for all to hold...

  • Unfinished words (15)

    by Nelle

    You say you care and that's fine.
    But, I didn't need people to stand in line...

  • My hood (1)

    by Riser

    U havent walked through
    the streets of my hood...

  • The Question (2)

    by doXyouXeverXwonder

    Why do I run from those I love?
    Why do I hurt those who care...

  • A lonely apology (5)

    by Nathan Hickling

    I stand surrounded by thousands
    Yet i am alone...

  • She Loves to Hurt (2)

    by April Davis

    My best friend has a problem
    That I can't seem to solve...

  • I’ll give you my life, because you...
    When I was down you helped me back in to life...

  • Do You Care? (1)

    by Kristina

    Sometimes I wonder,
    Do you care about our friendship...

  • Time of need

    by emmerz

    Waiting for it to stop
    Not knowing when or why...

  • Fighting darkness (19)

    by ShadowDancer

    I know that things seem hopeless
    I know things for you are bad...

  • The reason why the world won't let you go is...
    The reason why you can't just die is because...