Thank you for the time we shared,
Thank you for the love you gave...
When you think that life's to hard
Grab on tight...
True friendships never end
They never fall apart...
How come I'm friends with you,
I don't even like you that much...
Come to me,
share your life...
[Dedicated to Jase]
Jase is a little angel, no disguise...
[Dedicated to Sai]
You just push and push...
[Collection of poems for Luke]
You're a little angel your a f/cken champ...
[Written for Jase]
There are times when I've lost it all, meaning and...
[Dedicated to my friend Nick]
life seems really hard at times, and its like...
I hate him, but i love him.
Why does he do this to me...
I realize that this isn't the best poem, but my...
I don't know...