Other Poems About Friendship

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  • Thank You

    by Lithium

    Thank you for the time we shared,
    Thank you for the love you gave...

  • Hold On (message) (7)

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe

    When you think that life's to hard
    Grab on tight...

  • True Friedships

    by ~*~Kisses~*~

    True friendships never end
    They never fall apart...

  • How come? (1)

    by Liz

    How come I'm friends with you,
    I don't even like you that much...

  • Listen (8)

    by Heather M Craig

    Come to me,
    share your life...

  • Jase

    by simi

    [Dedicated to Jase]
    Jase is a little angel, no disguise...

  • To Sai

    by simi

    [Dedicated to Sai]
    You just push and push...

  • [Collection of poems for Luke]
    You're a little angel your a f/cken champ...

  • [Written for Jase]
    There are times when I've lost it all, meaning and...

  • To Nick (1)

    by simi

    [Dedicated to my friend Nick]
    life seems really hard at times, and its like...

  • I hate him, but i love him.
    Why does he do this to me...

  • Mistake

    by Gill

    I realize that this isn't the best poem, but my...
    I don't know...