Friendship Poems

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  • Going through my poems,
    I wrote when I was young...

  • Transparent

    by Timothy

    The young one always laughs,
    You are stupid, a fool...

  • There will be times where we just need a friend
    Someone who will listen and understand...

  • My precious daughter 1

    by Mark Hopwood

    My precious daughter,
    15 years old now, unique, a star...

  • Judge and Jury

    by MysteryMan

    When you see a drunk stumbling in the street
    Tell me exactly what do you see...

  • Ocean

    by MysteryMan

    We arose upon the sunlight to pass one another...
    We’ve become strangers once more as if one...

  • George Floyd (1) 1

    by Inside the Liar

    It started with A Series of Unfortunate Events
    You were new that year and...

  • anger

    by xomyaa

    "Nobody will ever love
    a girl who is always angry...

  • family

    by xomyaa

    Your words sting my heart
    and imprint into my mind...

  • I Wish You Liked Me (2) 1

    by Bryce Riddle

    You've never liked me and that's okay.
    Your words sting me, but I'm okay...

  • That hamlet where mum's lineage dwells,
    Ancestral ruins, where silence swells...

  • A True Friend

    by Walter

    When my life was so down low
    You gave your hand to hold...