Friendship Quotes

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  • There are things you just have to leave as it is. No names, no branding, no definitions. That's that. Nothing more. Nothing less.

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  • Instead of hating, try doing something as simple as loving..... it yields more positively to love than it does negatively to hate....

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  • Friendship is not a big thing ..
    It is a million of little things !!

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  • It's funny how you thought you knew them and you let them had your back only be stabbed infinity times til you finally ran and walk away.

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  • Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund, es tut mir leid, dass ich nicht da sein kann, um zu sehen Sie wachsen, aber ich weiß, dass ich mit dem Leben gegeben.

    by Aaron
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  • Its quite depressing how you can go from five brothers at heart to one in a short series of nights!!!

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  • May be, if only, but not really

    it's not me, It's not you

    It's fate - my fate, your fate,

    it's not meant to be our fate.

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  • For she who judges her interests on that she has not experienced is truly just scared

    by Jaleel
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  • Memories is what l left with after our broken friendship

    by Thandie
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  • I think I understood what a Family really was for the first time when I witnessed the other three members of this household having an intense argument for over half an hour over the vast injustice that is unequal distribution of... Cinnamon buns.

    by Kakera
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