Friendship Quotes

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  • People ask me what I need/want the most. Truthfully all I want is love. Is that to much to ask?

    by A
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  • When you hold my hand,i feel like you understand.

    by Rose
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  • A parent should never say to their child, "I told you so!" When serving as both a teacher and a mentor these words have no quality, provide no direction, reserve no maturity, and display nothing of a caring, compassionate, supportive nature.

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  • Love for you keeps growing son
    as every year goes by,
    and your birthday is the perfect time
    to let you know just why.
    There is a world of thankfulness
    for everything you do,
    You've always been a perfect son
    and always will be too.
    - Mum

    by Marky
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  • I told you to think about it. I do not want to hurt you. That seems to be all I am doing so, please, answer wisely.

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  • After everything we've been through, this tears us apart... Guess we were never that close now were we?

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  • I see the way the corners of your smile droop; I hear the quake in your voice; I understand that you can't do this on your own... I'm sorry that I am not there when you need me to be.

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  • I need you soo bad right now...

    by Chae
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  • An extremely true friend in my life, who is definitely in my heart's name is Vermillion, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it is full of lots of wishes and gifts for your heart like you are one to me :), Happy Birthday :)!

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  • Whenever U r not feeling well without any reason,
    Go & Hug d special1 in ur life
    Sometimes U dont need Medicines,
    U Just need d Magic Touch..!!!

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