Friendship Quotes

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  • Immature people keep an eye, intruding other's life, mature people mind their own.

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  • Giving the dose of their own medicine is not always the way to take good revenge to mean people, sometimes, showing them your fine and happy is enaugh.

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  • Good Friends influence good things while bad friends can influence bad things but they can teach you how to be independent.

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  • "A friend is a person who knows you're a beautiful swan even if you look like an ugly duckling."

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  • "A friend is a person who knows you're a beautiful swan even if you look like an ugly duckling."

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  • "A friend is a person who knows you're a beautiful swan even if you look like an ugly duckling."

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  • Guess what ? I'm 33% weird . 12% dork . 10% troller . 9% useless . 8% dense . 7% smart . 6% bad . 5% kind . 4% fierce . 3% loving . 2% serious . an only 1% funny ~ lol . I know :)

    I am completely nothing but I can promise you these ~

    by Natasha
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  • I dare you to remember me when everything in your life goes wrong .

    by Natasha
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  • It's not always rainbows and butterflies ,
    it's compromise that moves us along ~

    by Natasha
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  • You can waste your time calling me ,
    but i refuse to waste my time talking to a jerk like you .

    by Natasha
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