Friendship Quotes

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  • When i first saw you, i was afraid to talk to you.
    when i first talked to you, i was afraid to like you.
    when i first talked to you, i was afraid to love you.
    now that i liove you, im afraid to lose you

    by steve
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  • Though we part, our memories remain. The person you once knew is gone, but the memories we've made stay, a reminder of what once was but will never be.

    by poppy
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  • My mother’s Success is Privilege to me. But my Success is Success to my mother.

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  • A leader leads with unwavering resolve and doesn’t chicken out, facing challenges head-on with courage, determination, and the resilience needed to inspire others on the journey to success.”

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  • People who care about you care about how they make you feel.

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  • Once you raise your own child, you will comprehend the hardship of your parents.
    - Chinese Proverb

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  • I feel horrible about the shit I do
    I’m not gunna lie
    Thank you

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  • You make me proud…

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  • The primal and the best education start from family.

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  • The world in the atmosphere keeps whirling
    Idk. What you doin tomorrow?

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