My dog does my homework
At home every night...
How do you feel to play up on a swing,
up in the air so cool...
I ran up the stairs into the attic,
and hid in the closet, gasping for breath. A voice...
Little baby eating spaghetti.
Meatballs rolling on the floor...
You think Jaja crazy?
Why yes jaja is...
I didn't do it
That's my story...
My name is Humpty,
I like my oatmeal lumpy...
I Have a Hamster.
My Hamster name is Ham...
He thought it was good
he thought it was funny...
Down in the woods, where nobody goes
There's a little secret, that nobody knows...
A happy poem is what we need.
Now, I honestly don't mean to mislead...
So you see... I was in English and we were reading...
To eat, or not to eat, that is me question...