I can’t wait for summer
When school days are done...
What does the word l-o-v-e stand for in the word...
L-is for lifes the worst...
*This poem is lame but it really was a dream I had...
I feel as if this is the worst day ever, how will...
O thong
will you sing me a song...
Mr. Gump says life is like a box of chocolate
i say its like cheese...
Chatter, chatter, talk, talk,
Like a parrot, squawk, squawk...
Boobs are bought now days, not grown.
Too bad you couldn't have some of your own...
I believe I am high
i believe I can touch the sky...
I met Antonio on the plains
We spoke of fresh cookies...
There are some days
Where the glass is half empty...
Mum and Dad,
drink tea all day...
Ever had one of those days
when you just wana sleep...