My words are my slam dunks
They get the waving started...
It was on that Saint Pat’s Day when we met but...
Does anybody know how to get to Timbuktu
That place that everyone sends you to...
Poetry should rhyme
Maybe not all the time...
It is isn't so bad, it never is.
You will become thankful that you challenged...
I often ponder in those silent moments
if Adam and Eve were under a spell...
the gingerbread man
frowned as, swipe, the net came down...
Next long drive alone
in a hurry to get there...
I had
many a times...
I’m eating gummies
by the dumpster...
I open sleep filled eyes and the scent of you...
It lingers and torments beckons me from the bed...
Finger nails, toe nails, forget the snails!
I have a tale to tell, I know that some finger...