Heaven or hell where would I like to go
Well heaven is high and up in the sky...
I should not have laughed at my mom when she fell
I should not have hid behind the wall and scared...
I can’t wait for summer
When school days are done...
What does the word l-o-v-e stand for in the word...
L-is for lifes the worst...
*This poem is lame but it really was a dream I had...
I feel as if this is the worst day ever, how will...
O thong
will you sing me a song...
Mr. Gump says life is like a box of chocolate
i say its like cheese...
Drink a keg
smoke a bowl...
Chatter, chatter, talk, talk,
Like a parrot, squawk, squawk...
Boobs are bought now days, not grown.
Too bad you couldn't have some of your own...
I believe I am high
i believe I can touch the sky...
I met Antonio on the plains
We spoke of fresh cookies...