Well just the other day
I was going on my way...
Another Lottery ticket
Paycheck cashed and I'm heading home...
1)why is a woman a bird and the man a tiger when...
2)why do people say that life is short, isn't it...
Why is it such a hard task to do?
when we sit down our legs stick like glue...
I hate going to the dentist,
In fear of that stupid drill...
There is a battle inside each of us
Between light and dark, but I must confess...
Don't you love your own farts?
i know mine are just swell...
Shush my baby,
Dont be scared...
Its hard work being perfect
Always trying to impress...
Aunt Flo Visits Again -
This poem was written for a poetry challenge...
Nothing compares to watching you prance,
in the heavy snow...
Open my eye then my right
the glare is so bright...