Funny Poems About Life

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  • Lover's prayer (3)

    by hookliensinker

    Dear lord
    i pray to you every night...

  • Trouble (1)

    by Marissa

    Today is the day of trouble,
    to Hazen we go on the double...

  • Is there really safety in numbers
    like telephone numbers...

  • Rotten Cheerios

    by Ashley

    Green little circles
    adhered in a bowl...

  • There she goes
    off to crazyville...

  • I hate normal people
    they always get in the way...

  • Gas (3)

    by Ray the emo i am

    Why do people say it is disgusting
    It is as natural as birth...

  • The Big One (9)

    by Jackie

    Come on he soothes, you'll be fine
    Reassuringly, placing his hand in mine...

  • Nursery Rhymes are a lie. (1)

    by MissAlyssaGraff

    What's with the cow jumping over the moon?
    We all know they'd die...

  • Cheese and cracker delight. (1)

    by MissAlyssaGraff

    Cheese and crackers are a microwave delight,
    whoever discovered them...

  • Schools almost out
    all the senoras have left...

  • The Amusement Dictionary pt1 (2)

    by Rahl The Layman Lord

    Future - Whatever I'm going to do tomorrow that...
    Past - Too hazy to remember what that was...