Funny Poems About Life

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  • Grad (1)

    by Katie

    It's a really different feeling.
    Walking down these halls...

  • Buisness as Usual (3)

    by The Herald

    The little bumblebee,
    with his stinger, he did poke me...

  • Im Hungry (1)

    by lisa

    I'm so hungry and theres nothing to do
    nothing to keep my mind off food...

  • Always late

    by neo

    Genetics? maybe... due to my casual "I DON'T...

  • 4 alarm wakeup (1)

    by neo

    4 alarm clocks strategically placed throughout my...

  • Brain Spam (1)

    by neo

    Sitting here, I recall a question
    When was the last time you did something crazy...

  • I nearly burned myself in the shower,
    I guess I didn't realize the heat had so much...

  • Taking a dump (5)

    by Mike

    Do you poo a little or poo a lot?
    Does it come cold or does it come hot...

  • Talker (2)

    by A Red Rose

    Life's funnie you now you meet someone and there...

  • My Chubby Tummy (2)

    by matt

    My chubby tummy is so funny,
    it is small and chubby which makes me funny...

  • I'm sitting here in my comfy chair.
    I'm using a fork to stroke my hair...

  • GO metro! (1)

    by Pink Romance

    Have you ever noticed that the people on the bus
    smells like really bad breathe...