Title : Strawberry Shortcake
Written By : Fridus Blueheaven...
I know u know
i know u like me...
To all the poets on this site..
try and keep up with now...
There once was a toad named bob,
he was friends with all kinds of frogs...
Shall I compare you to a Mercedes Benz
You're way finer than the latest fashion trends...
Is it reasonable for parents to be so pathetic...
Meow, Meow,
Meow, Meow, Meow...
We shave our legs
we never have a wet dream...
The grass is blue
the sky is green...
Roses are red
Blue is my cycle...
This hurts...oh my God, it hurts so badly
did you see what she just did to me...
I Love u loving me
me loving you is what u love...