Funny poems

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  • A RTVW club, fun challenge .... to write a...

  • The Cow (Haiku) (9)

    by Poeta

    Grazing in the field
    Mooing all throughout the day...

  • Boys... (9)

    by jenae

    God made toys,
    And Then made boys...

  • Pop!!!!! (11)

    by Emily

    Pop! Pop! Plop! Pop! Plod! plod! Pop!
    Theres Goes Mr.Pele PopPopPig'sPurpler, Pink...

  • Pleasant valley pheasant plucker's
    pleasant valley pheasant plucker's...

  • Many pills with many names,
    And chemicals galore...

  • 1. they're so stupid, in that cute little innocent...
    2. they're funny, even when they aren't trying to...

  • Falling In the Woods (syntuit) (2) 2

    by Larry Chamberlin

    If you are alone
    and no one hears you sneeze can...

  • Ode To A Flea (4) 2


    It’s personal you see, between your dawg and me...

  • Shopping bag woes (12) 5

    by deeplydesturbed

    Shall I carry thee to the car to sit?
    Thou art heavy and thou weigh mine wrists down...

  • McDonald's Daydream (10)

    by Faithless

    The first time I saw your eyes
    You were eating McDonald's apple pie...

  • Yawn (12)

    by Spirit

    It starts with one person,
    and then it begins to grow...