A RTVW club, fun challenge .... to write a...
Grazing in the field
Mooing all throughout the day...
God made toys,
And Then made boys...
Pop! Pop! Plop! Pop! Plod! plod! Pop!
Theres Goes Mr.Pele PopPopPig'sPurpler, Pink...
Pleasant valley pheasant plucker's
pleasant valley pheasant plucker's...
Many pills with many names,
And chemicals galore...
1. they're so stupid, in that cute little innocent...
2. they're funny, even when they aren't trying to...
If you are alone
and no one hears you sneeze can...
It’s personal you see, between your dawg and me...
Shall I carry thee to the car to sit?
Thou art heavy and thou weigh mine wrists down...
The first time I saw your eyes
You were eating McDonald's apple pie...
It starts with one person,
and then it begins to grow...