Bubbly Bubbly Pop Pop Pop!
Bubbles float to the top...
I know that you know i know what you know..if you...
I'd love to throw it at the wall
Hit it every time it calls...
Always the bridesmaid never the bride,
i think about this as we pose for pictures...
Counting Strikes...
Hymie, don’t ask to dig clay
the sun shines all the day wide...
I’m called by many other names too, like icky...
Alone within the darkness,
Surrounded by those walls...
Growing Up Without a Clue
Never had a perfect shape...
Trying to find comfort from an uneasy sleep
Finally, through bloodshot eyes I peep...
My name is Martin just so you know
I seem to cause trouble where ever I go...
I remember when you bought me
That short red dress...