A man to love forever more...
Today is tomorrows yesterday
though yesterdays tomorrow is today...
Reasons To Date a Soccer player!
1. We know how to kick it...
Boris under parliament
Request to spell out and...
Down on the pond
And the lily pads sit...
You never know, it may be hiding in your drink...
Humpty Dumpty...
in fact was an old drunken grumpy...
Chocolate, thick and oh so sweet
From a spoon, it's you I eat...
Oh my goodness, I didn't even hear my alarm go off
I hope my boss is not mad, and at me he would...
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree
Why oh why, do you mock me...
What does this funny pen do?
A pen is a pen...
How Dogs and Men Are the Same
1. Both take up too much space on the bed...