He thought it was good
he thought it was funny...
Staring up at you
you just pass on by...
Who builds Bob\'s boobs?
Bill builds Bob\'s boobs...
Today I woke up, and what did I see?
My dog on my bed looking at me...
I'm such a procrastinator
I waste my time away...
Before I lay down to sleep
I pray for a man who is not a creep...
The Jean Buying Disaster
Shopping has become an exercise in futility for me...
I have a special doctor
For I am a special case...
Pop-ups, Pop-ups,
they're every where...
You get mad when you don't get your way
You cry when you don't get laid...
For years and years they've been around,
And been a favorite nesting ground...
I had a terrible,
horrendous fright...